Re-Membering local veterans who served in World War 1

This morning I had the privilege of commemorating  with other descendants of World War One Veterans and writing messages to honour their sacrifice.   Thank you to Vera, Aoife, and Renee for sharing some amazing old photographs and stories of  relatives and places in Northern Rivers around the time of World War One.


vera - aeifevera and Debby 1

If you are a descendant of a World War One Veteran there are limited spaces available for the

Commemorative Crosses Workshop

10am – Saturday 11 October 2014

Mullum Ex Services Club, Mullumbimby 2482

As part of the Centenary of WW1 Commemorations and the exhibition Re-Membering Our ANZACs, a workshop will be held for descendants of WW1 to write messages of Commemoration on wooden crosses supplied by the Australian War Memorial. Ultimately the crosses will be displayed as part of an artwork for the exhibition, Re-Membering Our ANZACs Nov 10-17 and then returned to the Australian War Memorial for distribution overseas on war graves.

You can RSVP me through this site if you would like to attend.

Happy clay days


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2 Responses to Re-Membering local veterans who served in World War 1

  1. Anna says:

    looks like an interesting project.. I look forward to seeing your exhibition

  2. Thanks Anna Re-Membering Our ANZACs, is scheduled for November 11-16 2014, at the Ex Services Club Mullumbimby

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